Social Way’s “Bike Tripoli 2” event built on the momentum of the first one and was conducted on the 26th of April 2015 under the slogan “Tripoli City of Life”. The event was organized in cooperation with the United Nation’s Media Department (UNIC), Bike Lebnan, and Beirut by Bike and in partnership with LBCI. It was a major success due to the large participation from all over the country including representation from various political, diplomatic and social groups. More that 2,000 cyclists were present, in addition to H.E. Angelina Eichhorst (European Union Ambassador in Lebanon), a delegation from the Office of the United Nations Coordinator in Lebanon Ms. Sigrid Kag and headed by Ms. Margo Helou, as well as a number of other ambassadors, political, and social figures.
Bike Tripoli 2 had a particularly significant impact on the city of Tripoli as it served as a platform to push for the establishment of safe passages in the city in order to safeguard the security of bike riders and encourage a larger portion of its residents to adopt cycling as an alternative means of transportation. Social Way invested significant effort to champion the creation of the first “Bike Lane” located at Rashid Karame International Fair and that extends over a distance of three kilometers. In addition, various “Safe Bike Parking” spots were allocated in different areas to encourage further adoption among citizens.”